Monday, September 12, 2016



   The concept of Youth In Action gives youth the opportunity to express themselves as well as prepare them for their future endeavors. I agree with this style of youth engagement because as a young person many years ago I did not have the opportunity to express or even contribute to changes within my community or school environment. With such roles as budgeting decision making these responsibilities could lead young people to a better understanding of their environment. Skills such a these can only be viewed as positive aspects for other individuals in their social groups.

   According to the article the Youth In Action environment seems to be a safe haven or even a second home to many of the individuals who occupy this building. I also agree with the director perspective regarding a "different mindset, learning process, power dynamic, and perspective about whats possible we all share'.

   Another aspect that resonates with me is the idea that adults within Youth In Action program are viewed as partners with the youth. As a youth worker the ultimate goal is to educate, engage, and involve youth with leadership skills that could could potentially lead to a leadership role within their communities. It is interesting to note that, Giovanni age 15 stated that "learning is happening everywhere" in the Youth In Action space. Usually when adults are utilizing space for a learning experience and teachable moment the youth are usually unaware of the dynamic of the relationship. Unlike this young lady who was a member  of the Youth In Action program. She understand the concept of leadership roles from her peers and the adults of that community.

  From my personal experience with my children, the Middle School that they attend attempt a similar approach to engage students with the curriculum. Some of the recent college graduates that understands the importance of youth involvement and engagement allow the students the opportunity to give positive feedback on some of the assignments they assign to the students.

   Overall this Youth In Action Program seem to have a positive impact on the individuals lives they service in Providence. With a program such a this, the residents and young people are encourage to lead and motivate others along with learning and teaching all in one.
Here is a link to the Youth In Action site, here you can view what programs they have alone with upcoming events.


  1. Hi Marika,

    I think it's great that your children's schools include them in the curriculum. I'm sure that makes a positive difference in their experience and make them happy to go to school.

    The points you touched upon really empower and make differences in so many kids lives and I'm sure as future professionals we can continue these processes.


  2. Hi Marika,
    I think it is awesome that you get to use how your children had an opportunity like that as your experience. It is so great that curriculum like that makes children excited to go to school. You chose some great points to focus on from the article.
    Great Job,
