Saturday, November 12, 2016

Resilience Kids

Resilient Kids Program Videos

The video Evolution high school, students testimonies  were interesting to see. This is because the youth were empowered to change the way they usually behave or interacted with the teachers and or their peers. They were relaxed and engaged in learning in a positive manner. While inspiring others to use the calming techniques they learned.

As a result of this program children are empowered to return to their classroom after recess or breaks and are able to redirect themselves, showing resiliency using learned positive skills to continue with their educational day.

Teachers, students, and a principal attest that this resilience program is beneficial to the students they serve. These techniques are essential to youth as it is a new way of assessing their education and life.

I really like the idea of programs like these as it encourages youth to become leaders in their schools and communities.I can relate these videos to the work we did at the Calcult Middle School in Central Falls. The students there showed resiliency and they also demonstrated leadership in their environment.


  1. By teaching students to be resilient at early stages we are teaching them to bounce back when times are tough and never give up hopes of what they believe in. By teaching students mindfulness we are giving them techniques to be patient in the process of learning. Great post.

  2. I like your whole post as well as your relation of the reading to the experience in Calcutt. Great job!
